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Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Biotechnologists · Biochemical engineers · fermentation technologists · enzyme technologists · microbiologists · combinatorial chemists · environmental engineers · food processors

Biotechnology and Bioengineering provides an international forum for biotech researchers. As the first biotechnology journal dedicated to the field, our publication has contributed significantly for over sixty years to the advancement of biochemical engineering science.

Avg. Visitors: 80,153 per month

Avg. Page views: 140,036 per month

Avg. PDF downloads: 18,610 per month

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Biotechnology Journal

CRISPR · gene-editing · infectious disease diagnosis · vaccine · digital medicine · tissue rejuvenation · tissue regeneration · natural product · CO2 capturing · climate change · aging · imaging · analytical biotechnology · single cell · biocatalysis · biochemical engineering · biomaterials · bioprocess engineering · downstream processing · industrial biotechnology · medical biotechnology · metabolic engineering · nanobiotechnology · plant biotechnology · omics · science communication · synthetic biology · systems biology · green biochemistry

The Biotechnology Journal welcomes submissions from all areas of biotechnology and bioengineering research, including cell, tissue and organoid culture, disease models and therapeutics, synthetic biology and nanobiotechnology, metabolic engineering, bioenergy and bioprocesses, industrial processes, and plant and medical biotechnology. We specialize in papers that bring novel ideas, pushing the scientific frontier and leading to significant discoveries.

Avg. Visitors: 36,975 per month

Avg. Page views: 61,088 per month

Avg. PDF downloads: 6,962 per month

More Journals

  1. The Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology

    Researchers in the fields of Process and Environmental Technology · Biotechnology · Biochemistry · Chemistry · Chemical Engineering

    1. Avg. Visitors: 52,410 per month
    2. Avg. Page views: 89,023 per month
    3. Avg. PDF downloads: 7,509 per month
  2. Engineering in the Life Sciences

    Biochemical engineers · biologists · microbiologists · biotechnologists · process engineers · and industrial (bio)chemists working in life sciences and biotechnology

    1. Avg. Visitors: 15,603 per month
    2. Avg. Page views: 22,923 per month
    3. Avg. PDF downloads: 6,351 per month
  3. Biotechnology Progress

    Applied Cellular Physiology and Metabolic Engineering · Biocatalysts and Bioreactor Design · Bioseparations and Downstream Processing · Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering · Formulation and Engineering of Biomaterials · Process Sensing and Control

    Avg. Visitor: 22,822
    Avg. Page views: 62,697
    Avg. PDF downloads: 26,008

  4. ChemBioEng Reviews

    Biochemical engineering · biotechnology · chemical engineering · chemical plant design · engineering in life sciences · modeling simulation · plant equipment technology

    Avg. Visitor: 7,405
    Avg. Page views: 16,728
    Avg. PDF downloads: 7,350

  5. Microbial Biotechnology

    Microbial biotechnology · biotechnology · green chemistry · primary metabolites · food, beverages and supplements · secondary metabolites and natural products · pharmaceuticals · diagnostics · agriculture · Bioenergy · biomining including oil recovery and processing · bioremediation · biopolymers · biomaterials · bionanotechnology · biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers · compatible solutes and bioprotectants · biosensors, monitoring systems · quantitative microbial risk assessment · technology development · protein engineering · functional genomics · metabolic engineering · metabolic design · systems analysis · modelling · process engineering · biologically-based analytical methods

    Avg. Visitor: 23,565
    Avg. Page views: 53,881
    Avg. PDF downloads: 44,015

  6. American Institute of Chemical Engineers

    biomolecular engineering, bioengineering, biochemicals, biofuels, and food · inorganic materials: synthesis and processing · particle technology and fluidization · process systems engineering · reaction engineering, kinetics and catalysis · separations: materials, devices and processes · soft materials: synthesis, processing and products · thermodynamics and molecular-scale phenomena · transport phenomena and fluid mechanics

    Avg. Visitor: 45,584
    Avg. Page views: 143,584
    Avg. PDF downloads: 53,605

  7. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineers

    Fluid mechanics · heat and mass transfer · multiphase flows · separations processes · thermodynamics · process systems engineering · reactors and reaction kinetics · catalysis · interfacial phenomena · electrochemical phenomena · bioengineering · minerals processing and natural products and environmental and energy engineering

    Avg. Visitor: 25,373
    Avg. Page views: 65,816
    Avg. PDF downloads: 20,988

  8. Environmental Mirobiology

    The structure, activities and communal behaviour of microbial communities · microbial community genetics and evolutionary processes · microbial symbioses, microbial interactions and interactions with plants, animals and abiotic factors · microbes in the tree of life, microbial diversification and evolution · microbiomes and holobionts · population biology and clonal structure · microbial metabolic and structural diversity · microbial physiology, growth and survival · primary and secondary metabolism in the environment · microbes and surfaces, adhesion and biofilm · responses to environmental signals and stress factors · modelling and theory development · pollution microbiology · microbial ecology of pathogens · extremophiles and life in extreme and unusual little-explored habitats · element cycles and biogeochemical processes · microbes in a changing world, microbially-influenced global changes · systems biology and computational predictions · evolution and diversity of archaeal and bacterial viruses · new technological developments in microbial ecology and evolution, in particular for the study of activities of microbial communities, non-culturable microorganisms and emerging pathogens · single cell microbial ecology

    Avg. Visitor: 40,454
    Avg. Page views: 124,037
    Avg. PDF downloads: 69,647

  9. Engineering in Life Sciences

    Engineering · life sciences · biochemical engineering · process engineering · industrial chemistry · plant equipment · biotechnology · zeitschrift

    Avg. Visitor: 12,555
    Avg. Page views: 26,981
    Avg. PDF downloads: 16,973

  10. Environmental Microbiology Reports

    The structure, activities and communal behaviour of microbial communities · microbial community genetics and evolutionary processes · microbial symbioses, microbial interactions and interactions with plants, animals and abiotic factors · microbes in the tree of life, microbial diversification and evolution · microbiomes and holobionts · population biology and clonal structure · microbial metabolic and structural diversity · microbial physiology, growth and survival · primary and secondary metabolism in the environment · microbes and surfaces, adhesion and biofilms · responses to environmental signals and stress factors · modelling and theory development · pollution microbiology · microbial ecology of pathogens · extremophiles and life in extreme and unusual little-explored habitats · element cycles and biogeochemical processes · microbes in a changing world, microbially-influenced global changes · systems biology and computational predictions · evolution and diversity of archaeal and bacterial viruses · new technological developments in microbial ecology and evolution, in particular for the study of activities of microbial communities, non-culturable microorganisms and emerging pathogens · single cell microbial ecology

    Avg. Visitor: 9,162
    Avg. Page views: 21,810
    Avg. PDF downloads: 10,570